Back Injury
Back injuries are one of the most common types of work-related injuries. You can suffer back injuries when lifting heavy objects. Working long hours without proper breaks can also increase your chances of suffering from back problems.
Some jobs require employees to perform certain tasks that put stress on the back muscles causing discomfort in both the short and long term. Such activities increase the likelihood of back injuries.
The good news is that back injuries don’t always require surgery. In some cases, rest and rehabilitation can get you back on track.
If you suffer from chronic lower back pain that is caused or made worse by your work, you may want to consider filing a workers’ compensation claim. You should also file a worker’s compensation claim if you have a traumatic injury to your back that happens all at once.
Workers’ Compensation For Back Injuries
Workers’ compensation insurance covers medical expenses for back injuries sustained at work. If you suffer from a workplace accident, you should contact your employer immediately. The sooner you notify them, the better chance you’ll have of receiving benefits.
You may receive temporary disability payments if you’re unable to return to work after an injury. These benefits last as long as your work cannot accommodate your work restrictions from a doctor. If your injury is permanent, even if you return to work, you may qualify for permanent partial disability (PPD) benefits. PPDs are based on the functional impairment from your injury. A doctor will rate your permanent impairment according to the AMA medical guides 5th edition.
If you are unable to return to your job, you will likely be eligible for industrial disability benefits that award you benefits for the impact of your injury on your ability to work. These benefits can pay up to permanent lifetime benefits if it is determined you are unable to return to any full time job because of your injury.